Publications List    

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Preprint Journal
47  Bonforte M.,
 Figalli, A.
The Cauchy-Dirichlet Problem for the Fast Diffusion Equation
on Bounded Domains
46  Bonforte M.,
 Endal J.
Nonlocal Nonlinear Diffusion Equations. Smoothing Effects,
Green Functions, and Functional Inequalities
45  Bonforte M.,
 Ibarrondo P.,
 Ispizua M.
The Cauchy-Dirichlet Problem for Singular Nonlocal Diffusions
on Bounded Domains
44  Bonforte M.,
 Dolbeault J.,
 Nazaret B.
 Simonov N.
Constructive stability results in interpolation inequalities and explicit improvements of decay rates of fast diffusion equations
43  Berchio E.,
 Bonforte M.,
 Grillo G.  Muratori M.,
The Fractional Porous Medium Equation
on noncompact Riemannian manifolds
To appear in
Math. Ann.
42  Bonforte M.,
 Dolbeault J.,
 Nazaret B.
 Simonov N.
Stability in Gagliardo-Nirenberg-Sobolev inequalities:
flows, regularity and the entropy method
To Appear in
Memoirs AMS
41  Bonforte M.,
 Stan D.
 Simonov N.
The Cauchy problem for the fast p-Laplacian evolution equation. Characterization of the global Harnack principle and fine asymptotic behaviour.
40  Bonforte M.,
 Dolbeault J.,
 Nazaret B.
 Simonov N.
Stability in Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequalities
39  Bonforte M.,
 Dolbeault J.,
 Nazaret B.
 Simonov N.
Stability in Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequalities - Supplementary material:
Explicit constants in Harnack inequalities and regularity estimates,
with an application to the fast diffusion equation
38   Berchio E.,
  Bonforte M.,
  Ganguly D.,
  Grillo G.
The Fractional Porous Medium Equation on the hyperbolic space
37  Bonforte M.,
 Simonov N.
Fine properties of solutions to the Cauchy problem for a Fast Diffusion Equation with Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg weights
36  Bonforte M.,
 Figalli, A.
Sharp Extinction Rates for Fast Diffusion Equations
on Generic Bounded Domains
35  Bonforte M.,
 Simonov N.
Quantitative a Priori Estimates for Fast Diffusion Equations with Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg weights. Harnack inequalities and Hölder continuity
34  Bonforte M.,
 Figalli, A.
 Vázquez J. L.
Sharp boundary behaviour of solutions to semilinear nonlocal elliptic equations
33  Bonforte M.,
 Figalli, A.
 Vázquez J. L.
Sharp global estimates for local and nonlocal porous medium-type equations in bounded domains
32  Bonforte M.,
 Sire Y.,
 Vázquez J. L.
Optimal Existence and Uniqueness Theory
for the Fractional Heat Equation
31  Bonforte M.,
 Dolbeault J.,
 Muratori M.,
 Nazaret B.
Weighted fast diffusion equations (Part II):
Sharp asymptotic rates of convergence in relative error
by entropy methods
Kinet. Rel. Mod.
30  Bonforte M.,
 Dolbeault J.,
 Muratori M.,
 Nazaret B.
Weighted fast diffusion equations (Part I):
Sharp asymptotic rates without symmetry and symmetry breaking
in Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequalities
Kinet. Rel. Mod.
29  Bonforte M.,
 Figalli, A.
 Ros-Oton, X.
Infinite speed of propagation and regularity of solutions to the fractional porous medium equation in general domains
28  Bonforte M.,
 Caffarelli L. A.
  Grillo G.,
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations,
in honor of Juan Luis Vázquez for his 70th birthday
Volume 2
27  Bonforte M.,
 Caffarelli L. A.
  Grillo G.,
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations,
in honor of Juan Luis Vázquez for his 70th birthday
Volume 1
26  Bonforte M.,
 Segatti A.,
 Vázquez J. L.
Non-existence and instantaneous extinction of solutions for singular nonlinear fractional diffusion equations
25  Bonforte M.,
 Vázquez J. L.
Fractional Nonlinear Degenerate Diffusion Equations on Bounded Domains part I. Existence, Uniqueness and Upper Bounds
24  Bonforte M.,
 Sire Y.,
 Vázquez J. L.
Existence, Uniqueness and Asymptotic behaviour for fractional porous medium equations on bounded domains
23  Bonforte M.,
 Vázquez J. L.
A Priori Estimates for Fractional Nonlinear Degenerate Diffusion Equations on bounded domains
22  Bonforte M.,
 Di Castro A.,
Quantitative local estimates for nonlinear elliptic equations involving p-Laplacian type operators
Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma
(2014)  [->]
21  Bonforte M.,
 Vázquez J. L.
Quantitative Local and Global A Priori Estimates for Fractional Nonlinear Diffusion Equations
20  Bonforte M.,
  Grillo G.,
 Vázquez J. L.
Quantitative Bounds for Subcritical Semilinear Elliptic Equations
Contemp. Math.
19  Bonforte M.,
  Grillo G.,
 Vázquez J. L.
Quantitative Local Bounds for Subcritical Semilinear Elliptic Equations
Milan J. Math
18  Bonforte M.,
 Figalli, A.
Total Variation Flow and Sign Fast Diffusion in one dimension
J. Diff. Eq.
17  Bonforte M.,
  Gazzola F.,
  Grillo G.,
 Vázquez J. L.
Classification of radial solutions to the Emden-Fowler equation on the hyperbolic space
Calc. Var. PDE
16  Bonforte M.,
   Grillo G.,
 Vázquez J. L.
Behaviour near extinction for the Fast Diffusion Equation on bounded domains
15  Bonforte M.,
 Dolbeault J.,
 Grillo G.,
 Vázquez J. L.
Sharp rates of decay of solutions to the nonlinear fast diffusion equation via functional inequalities
14  Bonforte M.,
 Iagar R.G.,
 Vázquez J. L.
Local smoothing effects, positivity, and Harnack inequalities for the fast p-Laplacian equation
13  Bonforte M.,
 Vázquez J. L.
Positivity, local smoothing and Harnack inequalities for very fast diffusion equations
12  Bonforte M.,
 Grillo G.,
 Vázquez J. L.
Special fast diffusion with slow asymptotics. Entropy method and flow on a Riemannian manifold
11  Blanchet A.,
 Bonforte M.,
  Dolbeault J.,
 Grillo G.,
 Vázquez J. L.
Asymptotics of the fast diffusion equation via entropy estimates
10  Bonforte M.,
 Grillo G.,
 Vázquez J. L.
Fast diffusion flow on manifolds of nonpositive curvature
9   Blanchet A.,
 Bonforte M.,
 Dolbeault J.,
 Grillo G.,
 Vázquez J. L.
Hardy-Poincaré inequalities and applications to nonlinear diffusions
8  Bonforte M.,
 Grillo G.,
Singular evolution on manifolds, their smoothing properties, and Sobolev inequalities
7  Bonforte M.,
 Vázquez J. L.
Reverse Smoothing Effects, Fine Asymptotics and Harnack Inequalities for Fast Diffusion Equations
6  Bonforte M.,
 Vázquez J. L.
Global positivity estimates and Harnack inequalities for the fast diffusion equation
5  Bonforte M.,
 Grillo G.,
Super and ultracontractive bounds for doubly nonlinear evolution equations
4  Bonforte M.,
 Grillo G.,
Asymptotics of the porous media equation via Sobolev inequalities
3  Bonforte M.,
 Grillo G.,
Direct and reverse Gagliardo-Nirenberg Inequalities from Logarithmic Sobolev Inequalities
2  Bonforte M.,
 Grillo G.,
Ultracontractive bounds for nonlinear evolution equations governed by the subcritical p-Laplacian
1  Bonforte M.,
 Cipriani F.,
 Grillo G.,
Ultracontractivity and Convergence to Equilibrium for Supercritical Quasilinear Parabolic Equations on Riemannian Manifolds

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