8th International Conference on Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations

El Escorial, Madrid (Spain) June 16-20, 2008



This is the list of the Short Courses and the Main Speakers. Below, you can find the tentative Schedule of the conference and the schedule of the Short Talks.


Short Courses and Main Speakers

Download a PDF file with all the abstracts here

Short Courses
Ron DeVore
University of South Carolina
The Mathematical Foundations of Compressed Sensing SLIDES 1 2 3
Steve Hofmann
University of Missouri-Columbia
Local Tb Theorems and Applications in PDE SLIDES 1 & 2 3
Carlos Kenig
University of Chicago
Some Recent Developments in Nonlinear Dispersive Equations NOTES
Gilles Pisier
Texas A&M University
University of Paris VI
Complex Interpolation between Banach, Hilbert and Operator Spaces SLIDES 1 & 2 3


Main Speakers
P. Auscher
U. Paris-Sud
On a square function estimate related to the Kato problem and solvability of elliptic PDE's SLIDES
J. Bennett
U. Birmingham
Heat-flow monotonicity related to some norm inequalities in analysis
A. Carbery
U. Edinburgh
Affine inequalities in harmonic analysis
M. Junge
U. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Noncommutative Riesz transforms for Fourier multipliers SLIDES
A. McIntosh
Australian National U.
A new approach to solvability of some elliptic PDE's with square integrable boundary data
C. Muscalu
Cornell U.
Flag Paraproducts
J. Ortega-Cerdà
U. Barcelona
On the univalent Bloch-Landau constant SLIDES
S. Petermichl
U. Bordeaux
Iterated Riesz commutators and a characterization of product BMO
A. Seeger
U. Wisconsin , Madison
Local smoothing inequalities and radial Fourier multipliers
S. Thangavelu
Indian Statistical Institute
On the unreasonable effectiveness of Gutzmer's formula
L. Vega
U. País Vasco
Bilinear virial identities and applications
G. Weiss
Washington U.
Principal Invariant Subspaces for Unitary Representations of LCA Groups SLIDES
Q. Xu
U. Franche-Comté
Vector-valued and noncommutative aspects of Littlewood-Paley theory


Tentative Schedule

Download a PDF file with the Schedule here

Monday 16
09:15-10:00 Registration
10:00-10:05 Welcome to participants
10:15-11:15 R. DeVore (I) The Mathematical Foundations of Compressed Sensing
11:15-11:45 Coffee break
11:45-12:45 C. Kenig (I) Some Recent Developments in Nonlinear Dispersive Equations
12:45-13:30 A. McIntosh A new approach to solvability of some elliptic PDE's with square integrable boundary data
14:00-15:45 Lunch
15:45-16:30 J. Bennett Heat-flow monotonicity related to some norm inequalities in analysis
16:35-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00-17:45 L. Vega Bilinear virial identities and applications
18:00-18:45 S. Thangavelu On the unreasonable effectiveness of Gutzmer's formula


Tuesday 17
09:45-10:40 R. DeVore (II) The Mathematical Foundations of Compressed Sensing
10:45-11:40 S. Hofmann (I) Local Tb Theorems and Applications in PDE
11:45-12:15 Coffee break
12:15-13:00 A. Seeger Local smoothing inequalities and radial Fourier multipliers
13:05-14:00 G. Pisier (I) Complex Interpolation between Banach, Hilbert and Operator Spaces
14:15 Lunch
15:45-16:45 Short Talks
16:45-17:15 Coffee Break
17:15-19:15 Short Talks
21:00 Dinner


Wednesday 18
09:45-10:40 R. DeVore (III) The Mathematical Foundations of Compressed Sensing
10:45-11:40 C. Kenig (II) Some Recent Developments in Nonlinear Dispersive Equations
11:45-12:15 Coffee break
12:15-13:00 P. Auscher On a square function estimate related to the Kato problem and solvability of elliptic PDE's
13:05-14:00 S. Hofmann (II) Local Tb Theorems and Applications in PDE
14:15 Lunch
15:45-16:30 Q. XuVector-valued and noncommutative aspects of Littlewood-Paley theory
16:35-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00-17:45 S. Petermichl Iterated Riesz commutators and a characterization of product BMO
18:00-18:45 C. Muscalu Flag Paraproducts
21:00 Dinner
22:30 Party at Hotel Victoria


Thursday 19
09:45-10:40 G. Pisier (II) Complex Interpolation between Banach, Hilbert and Operator Spaces
10:45-11:40 C. Kenig (III) Some Recent Developments in Nonlinear Dispersive Equations
11:45-12:15 Coffee break
12:15-13:00 A. Carbery Affine inequalities in harmonic analysis
13:15-14:00 J. Ortega-Cerdà On the univalent Bloch-Landau constant
14:00 Lunch
15:45-16:45 Short Talks
16:45-17:15 Coffee Break
17:15-18:55 Short Talks
21:00 Dinner


Friday 20
09:45-10:40 S. Hofmann (III) Local Tb Theorems and Applications in PDE
10:45-11:40 G. Pisier (III) Complex Interpolation between Banach, Hilbert and Operator Spaces
11:45-12:15 Coffee break
12:15-13:00 M. Junge Noncommutative Riesz transforms for Fourier multipliers
13:15-14:00 G. Weiss Principal Invariant Subspaces for Unitary Representations of LCA Groups
14:00 Lunch


Short Talks 

Download a PDF file with the abstracts of the Short Talks here

Due to the limited time for room changes, we STRONGLY ENCOURAGE participants to adjust their short talk presentations to the given 15 min. We recall you that each room will have a slide projector, and a computer projector (but no blackboard). If you wish to use the computer projector, you are required to bring your PDF FILE in a pen drive or similar device which can be inserted in the CONFERENCE LAPTOP.

Tuesday 17
  Room 1 Room 2 Room 3
15:45-16:00 Nyström Curbera Baklouti
16:05-16:20 Badr
Chua Ben Salah
16:25-16:40 Bernicot Boza Flores
16:45-17:15 Coffee Break
17:15-17:30 Schul Sawano Sifi
17:35-17:50 Uriarte Paluszyński Daher
17:55-18:10 Whitehouse Morris Sidi Lafdal
18:20-18:35 Chae Gatto Urbina
18:40-18:55 CANCELED Luef Maas
19:00-19:15 CANCELED
Liflyand Nowak


Thursday 19
  Room 1 Room 2 Room 3
15:45-16:00 Bez Axelsson Trujillo González
16:05-16:20 Hagelstein Ben Ali Hytönen
16:25-16:40 Lie Portal Viola
16:45-17:15 Coffee Break
17:15-17:30 Blasco Ombrosi Sjögren
17:35-17:50 Hong Sanmartino Betancor
17:55-18:10 Kim Moen Gigante (NEW)
18:20-18:35 Folch Wall Mei
18:40-18:55 Suazo Ou Feuto




Organizing Committee

P. Cifuentes
J. García-Cuerva
G. Garrigós
E. Hernández
J.M. Martell
J. Parcet
A. Ruiz
F. Soria
J.L. Torrea
A. Vargas

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