Frontiers of Mathematics
and Applications III - 2012
Summer Course UIMP 2012, Santander (Spain), August 13-17, 2012


  • The course is meant for doctoral and postdoctoral students in related areas. The number of students is limited, therefore there will be a pre-selection process.
  • The UIMP will give a diploma.
  • There are some grants available for graduate students, or for young researchers with non-permanent positions.
  • For participant without grant, the registration fee is 129Euro.
  • Please notice that the registration procedure is different for those applying for the grant or not.

Pre Registration without grant application

  • Download the following pdf document    [pdf]
  • Fill the above document, scan and e-mail it, or send it by ordinary mail, together with the copy (can be a scan) of the documents required in the form, to:
        Carmiña Suarez
        UIMP - Secretaría de Alumnos

        c/ Isaac Peral 23, 28040 Madrid
        UIMP - Secretaría de Alumnos
    with copy to
  • Once the pre-selection process is complete, you will be advised whether your inscription has been accepted or not, and you will be asked to confirm your participation and pay the registration fee.
  • The registration fee of 129 Euro should be paid by bank transfer to
        Plaza de Velarde, 3. E-39001 Santander (SPAIN)
        Account n. 2066  0000  13  020 020 3642
        IBAN CODE: ES11 2066 0000 1302 0020 3642
        BIC (SWIFT): CECA ES MM 066

Pre Registration with grant application

  • Download the following pdf documents    [pdf]    [pdf]
  • Fill the above documents, scan and e-mail them, or send them by ordinary mail, together with a Curriculum Vitae and the copy (can be a scan) of the documents required in the forms, to:to:
        Carmiña Suarez
        UIMP - Secretaría de Alumnos

        c/ Isaac Peral 23, 28040 Madrid
        UIMP - Secretaría de Alumnos
    with copy to
  • Once the pre-selection process is complete, you will be advised whether the grant will be given or not.


This activity is hosted and supported by UIMP, Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo and by UAM, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in the framework of Campus Internacional de Excelencia de la UAM
                UIMP                           UAM

This activity is partially supported by SEMA, Sociedad Española de Matemática aplicada
                SEMA                                               Valid HTML 4.01

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