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A new criteria to obstruct positivity

Ponente: Marithania Silvero (Universidad de Sevilla)

Fecha: Jueves, 21 de marzo de 2024 - 10:30

Lugar: Aula Naranja, ICMAT


Positive links are those admitting a positive diagram, that is, a diagram with no negative crossings. These links satisfy many nice properties, and they have been widely studied. However, in general, it is not easy to determine whether a link is positive. In this talk we present several results concerning Khovanov homology of fibered positive links; in particular, we extend the result by Stosic stating that braid positive links have vanishing Khovanov homology in homological grading 1. We also explore Khovanov homology of certain cable links and present some evidence suggesting that the above result can be extended to L-space knots. This is joint work with M. Kegel, N. Manikandan and L. Mousseau.