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Seminario de EDP´s

Seminario de EDP´s

November 8th, 2023, 12:30pm. Room 520, Modulo 17, UAM

Speaker: Taehun Lee (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)

Title: Regular solutions to the $L_p$ Minkowski problem

Abstract: A cornerstone of the Brunn--Minkowski theory is the Minkowski problem initiated by Minkowski himself over a century ago. This problem characterizes measures generated by convex bodies and has been generalized to the $L_p$ Minkowski problem. In recent years, much of the interest in the $L_p$ Minkowski problem has migrated to the study of regular solutions. In this talk, we discuss recent developments in this field, focusing on the regularity of convex bodies. We comple tely describe the range of $p$ for which solutions are regular. This talk is based on joint work with Kyeongsu Choi and Minhyun Kim.