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Seminario doble de ecuaciones en derivadas parciales

Seminario doble de ecuaciones en derivadas parciales

Fecha y hora: viernes 13 de mayo, de 13:0 a 14:30.
Lugar: aula 420, módulo 17 (UAM).

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Łukasz Płociniczak (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology)

Título: Linear Galerkin methods for a nonlinear time-fractional diffusion with nonsmooth data and applications to hydrology and climatology.

Abstract: In this talk we will present some new results concerning construction and analysis of Galerkin numerical methods for the nonlocal in time quasilinear diffusion equation. These can be implemented both in the spectral or finite element setting. For the finite element case we will consider the case of the nonsmooth initial data and provide the error bounds assuming much weaker hypothesis than usually found in the literature.  The nonlinearity is dealt with extrapolation in time what results in a linear scheme. Lastly, we support the theory with numerical experiments.

Luigi Montoro (Università della Calabria)

Título: Qualitative properties of solutions to -Delta_p u=f(u) in R^N_+.

Abstract: Ver pdf adjunto.
Localización Fecha y hora: viernes 13 de mayo, de 12:30 a 14. Lugar: aula 420, módulo 17 (UAM).