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Online Analysis and PDE seminar (UAM-UC-UC3M-UCM-ICMAT-IMUS)

Online Analysis and PDE seminar (UAM-UC-UC3M-UCM-ICMAT-IMUS)

Conferenciante: Aníbal Rodríguez-Bernal (UCM-ICMAT)

Fecha: Miércoles 9 de febrero de 2022 - 15:00

Enlace al seminario

Resumen: In this talk we show that considering an optimal class of large initial data, the solutions of the linear heat equation display a very rich dynamical behavior, including blow-up in finite time and wild unbounded oscillations. We characterise blow-up solutions as well as their blow-up set, solutions that exist globally and provide suitable conditions for asymptotic decay.
Localización Fecha: Miércoles 9 de febrero de 2022 - 15:00