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Seminario Teoría de Grupos ICMAT-UAM

Seminario Teoría de Grupos ICMAT-UAM

Martes 19/3/2019, 11:30, Aula 520, UAM

Speaker: Delaram Kahrobaei (University of York, U.K., New York University, CUNY Graduate Center, U.S.A.)

Title: Some applications of arithmetic and graph groups in cryptography

Abstract: In this talk we will give various examples of exponentially distorted subgroups in linear groups, including some new example of subgroups of SLn(ℤ[x]) for n≥3, and show how they can be used to construct symmetric-key cryptographic platforms. This is a joint work K. Mallahi-Karai to appear in the Journal of Groups Complexity, Cryptology.

In the second part of the talk we consider several classical and novel algorithmic problems for right-angled Artin groups (a.k.a. graph groups), some of which are closely related to graph theoretic problems, and study their computational complexity. We study these problems with a view towards applications to cryptography. This is joint work with Ramón Flores and Thomas Koberda, just published in Journal of Algebra.

Localización Martes 19/3/2019, 11:30, Aula 520, UAM