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Seminario de Geometría
Seminario de Geometría

Christopher Judge,

Indiana University

"Bounds on Laplacian eigenvalues in the homogeneous setting"
Miércoles 25 de mayo de 2016, 10:00h.

Módulo 17, Aula 520, Departamento de Matemáticas. Abstract: I will give some lower bounds on the eigenvalues of the Laplace-beltrami operator on homogeneous riemannian manifolds. These bounds extend a lower bound of Peter Li on the first nonzero eigenvalue to higher eigenvalues. The bound depends only on a lower bound on the volume growth of balls. This is joint work with Russ Lyons.

Localización Miércoles 25 de mayo de 2016, 12:00h. Módulo 17, Aula 520, Departamento de Matemáticas.