Groupe de travail en combinatoire arithmétique 2013 - 2014

L'objectif de ce groupe de travail est de traiter des travaux récents ainsi que des techniques classiques dans le domaine de la combinatoire arithmétique (ou dans le voisinage proche de ce domaine). Le groupe est ouvert à toute personne intéressée. Si vous souhaitez recevoir les annonces par mail, merci de m'envoyer un message.

Les exposés ont lieu à l'Institut Henri Poincaré, à 16h sauf avis contraire.

Entre 2011 et 2013, le groupe de travail était organisé par Julia Wolf. La liste des séances précédentes peut être consultée ici.

mercredi, 26 mars 2014

Sujet: An introduction to Freiman's theorem and its generalisations
Résumé: Given a finite set A of integers, define A+A := { x + y : x, y in A }. A classical theorem of Freiman classifies the finite sets A of integers that are "approximately closed", in the sense that A+A is "not too much bigger than" A. More precisely, Freiman's theorem states that if |A+A|< K|A| for some parameter K>1, then A must resemble something like an arithmetic progression; moreover, how closely A "resembles" an arithmetic progression is quantified in terms of K in a certain precise sense.

It makes sense to ask an analogous question in a more general setting: if A is a finite set in an arbitrary group, and we write AA := { xy : x, y in A }, then what can we say about A under the assumption that |AA| < K|A|? In recent years, there has been much progress on the answer to this more general question, and many interesting applications.
Orateur: Matthew Tointon
Lieu: IHP Salle 421
Heure: 16h

lundi, 3 mars 2014

Sujet: Zero-sum theory of abelian groups
Résumé: We give an overview of zero-sum theory in abelian groups, with an emphasis on open questions and aspects of the theory related to the study of non-unique factorization in abelian cancellative monoids.
Orateur: Salvatore Tringali
Lieu: IHP Salle 421
Heure: 16h

lundi, 10 février 2014

Sujet: La méthode polynomiale - principe, sandwich au jambon et application
Résumé: A partir d'idées totalement élémentaires comme le principe de dichotomie (l'ensemble des zéros d'un polynôme est soit très grand, soit très petit), on peut démontrer de grandes choses, comme la conjecture d'Erdös sur le problème des distances ou le théorème de Széméredi-Trotter. Enquête sur une méthode en plein essor.
Orateur: Pierre-Yves Bienvenu
Lieu: IHP Salle 314
Heure: 16h

lundi, 20 janvier 2014

Sujet: Extremal graphs and sets of integers that do not contain sumsets of sets of prescribed size
Résumé: We study extremal problems on sets of positive integers that do not contain sumsets of sets of prescribed size and relate them with extremal problems on r-partite graphs.
Orateur: Javier Cilleruelo
Lieu: IHP Salle 421
Heure: 16h

jeudi, 14 novembre 2013

Sujet: On short intervals containing prime numbers
Résumé: Define a Goldbach number to be an even number which can be represented as a sum of two primes. Following the procedure described in [1], we will present the proof of the following result:

For H in [N^{t+eps}, N], t=1/3, almost all even numbers in an interval [N, N+H] are Golbach numbers. (1)

There are now stronger improvements on the result above. However, the best is the combination of two important results [2] and [3], which gives us the same result as (1) for t=21/800. Explaining the methods used in [2], we will firstly obtain the result of the type: for all x large enough, the interval [x-x^{21/40}, x] contains prime numbers. After that we will show how to get the exponent factor for primes in almost all short intervals (from [3]) by a short argument of Montgomery and Vaughan and finally obtain the best known improvement for the result of type (1), with t=21/800.

[1] A. Perelli, J. Pintz, On the exceptional set for Goldbach's problem in short intervals, J. London Math. Soc., (2) 47, 1993, pp. 41-49.
[2] R.C. Baker, G. Harman, J. Pintz, The difference between consecutive primes, II, Proc. London Math. Soc., (3) 83, 2001, pp. 532-562.
[3] C. Jia, Almost all short intervals containing prime numbers, Acta Arith., (76) 1, 1996, pp. 21-84.
Orateur: Alisa Sedunova
Lieu: IHP Salle 421
Heure: 16h

mardi, 15 octobre 2013

Sujet: Norm forms as products of linear polynomials
Résumé: In this talk I will discuss how methods developed by Green and Tao can be employed to prove the Hasse principle and weak approximation for certain varieties defined by systems of linear equations involving norm forms. This result allows us to show that the Brauer-Manin obstruction controls weak approximation on smooth and projective models of varieties defined by an equation of the form "norm form = P(t)", where P(t) is a product of linear polynomials all defined over Q and where the norm form is defined with respect to an arbitrary finite extension of Q. (Joint work with Tim Browning.)
Orateur: Lilian Matthiesen
Lieu: IHP Salle 421
Heure: 16h

mardi, 24 septembre 2013

Sujet: Kakeya sets and directional maximal operators in the plane
Résumé: We discuss relatives of the two-dimensional Kakeya problem. This leads us to new methods for construction of Besicovitch-type sets. Time-permitting we may also discuss connections to the question of how likely it is that a randomly dropped needle will land in a planar Cantor set, and possibly also to the sum-product phenomenon.
Orateur: Michael Bateman
Lieu: IHP Salle 421
Heure: 16h