///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // "On the torsion of rational elliptic curves over sextic fields" // // Harris B. Daniels and Enrique González-Jiménez // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 2/8/2018 - Magma 2.23 // Magma script related to Proposition 8 (q) //f1 is the j-map from X_{G3} (G3=2Cn in Sutherland's notation) to P1 //f2 is the j-map from X_0(13) to P1 // both taken from Zywina, On the possible images of the mod l representations associated to elliptic curves over Q. F := FunctionField(Rationals()); f1 := t^2+1728; f2:=(t^2+5*t+13)*(t^4+7*t^3+20*t^2+19*t+)^3/t; R:=PolynomialRing(Rationals(),2); g:=Numerator(Evaluate(f1,x)-Evaluate(f2,y)); assert IsIrreducible(g); C:=ProjectiveClosure(Curve(AffineSpace(R),g)); assert Genus(C) eq 1; P := C![1,0,0]; E,map := EllipticCurve(C,P); assert Rank(E) eq 0; assert CremonaReference(E) eq "52a2"; T,mp := TorsionSubgroup(E); PTS := [mp(t) : t in T]; //Pull back the torsion points and add the presages to Set. Set := {}; PHI := map; for p in PTS do Set := Set join RationalPoints(p @@ PHI); end for; assert Set eq { C![1,0,0] }; assert Set eq SingularPoints(C); /* Thus there are only 1 singular point on C and no affine points. */