/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // "An algorithm for determining torsion growth of elliptic curves" // Enrique González-Jiménez & Filip Najman // // Magma script related to Lemma 2.10 and Lemma 2.11 // // file: Lemma_2_10_11.txt // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 27/3/2019 - Magma 2.24 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Lemma 2.10: Points of order 37 _:=PolynomialRing(Rationals()); f:=x^3 - 1155*x + 16450; E:=EllipticCurve(f); assert CremonaReference(MinimalQuadraticTwist(E)) eq "1225h1"; assert jInvariant(E) eq -7*11^3; g:=x^6 - 210*x^5 - 8085*x^4 + 125300*x^3 + 4251975*x^2 - 16133250*x - 408849875; K:=NumberField(g); _:=PolynomialRing(K); p2:=y^2-(a^3 - 1155*a + 16450); L:=AbsoluteField(ext); P:=Points(BaseChange(E,L),L!a)[1]; assert Order(P) eq 37; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Lemma 2.11: Points of order 17 _:=PolynomialRing(Rationals()); f:=x^3 - 95115*x - 12657350; E:=EllipticCurve(f); assert CremonaReference(MinimalQuadraticTwist(E)) eq "14450n1"; assert jInvariant(E) eq -17*373^3/2^17; g:=x^4 + 340*x^3 + 510*x^2 - 5560700*x - 237673175; K:=NumberField(g); _:=PolynomialRing(K); p2:=y^2-(a^3 - 95115*a - 12657350); L:=AbsoluteField(ext); P:=Points(BaseChange(E,L),L!a)[1]; assert Order(P) eq 17; print "Done"; quit;