“On the estimation of the influence curve”, with Juan Romo. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 23, 1-9 (1995).
“Minimum distance density-based estimation”, with Ricardo Cao and Ricardo Fraiman. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 20, 611-631 (1995).
“Asymptotic behavior of the predictive density in the exchangeable case”, with Julián de la Horra. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 55, 1-12 (1996).
“Differentiable functionals and smoothed bootstrap”, with Juan Romo. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 49, 355-370 (1997).
“A plug-in approach to support estimation”, with Ricardo Fraiman. The Annals of Statistics, 25, 2300-2312 (1997).
“On visual distances in density estimation: the Hausdorff choice”, with Ricardo Fraiman. Statistics & Probability Letters, 40, 333-341 (1998).
“Estimating the number of clusters”, with Manuel Febrero and Ricardo Fraiman. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 28, 367-382 (2000).
“Set estimation and nonparametric detection”, with Amparo Baíllo and Ana Justel. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 28, 765-782 (2000).
“Cluster analysis: a further approach based on density estimation”, with Manuel Febrero and Ricardo Fraiman. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 36, 441-459 (2001).
“Convergence rates in nonparametric estimation of level sets”, with Amparo Baíllo and Juan Cuesta-Albertos. Statistics and Probability Letters, 53, 27-35 (2001).
“On the estimation of a star-shaped set”, with Amparo Baíllo. Advances in Applied Probability, 33, 717-726 (2001).
“Linear functional regression: the case of fixed design and functional response”, with Manuel Febrero and Ricardo Fraiman. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 30, 285-300 (2002).
“On smoothed bootstrap for density functionals”, with Andrés Alonso. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 15, 467-477 (2003).
“Set estimation: an overview and some recent developments”, with Alberto Rodríguez-Casal. In Recent Advances and Trends in Nonparametric Statistics, M. G. Akritas and D. N. Politis eds., Elsevier (North Holland), pp. 251-264 (2003).
“El análisis estadístico de grandes masas de datos: Algunas tendencias recientes”. In De la aritmética al análisis: Historia y desarrollos recientes en matemáticas, R. Rodríguez del Río and E. Zuazua eds. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Instituto Superior de Formación del Profesorado, pp. 59-89 (2004).
“An anova test for functional data”, with Manuel Febrero and Ricardo Fraiman. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 47, 111-122 (2004).
“On boundary estimation”, with Alberto Rodríguez-Casal. Advances in Applied Probability, 36, 340-354 (2004).
“On the bootstrap methodology for functional data”, with Ricardo Fraiman. in Proceedings in Computational Statistics, COMPSTAT 2004, J. Antoch ed., Physica-Verlag, pp. 127-135 (2004).
“Plug-in estimation of general level sets”, with Wenceslao González Manteiga and Alberto Rodríguez-Casal. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 48, 7-19 (2006).
“Image estimators based on marked bins”, with Amparo Baíllo. Statistics, 40, 277-288 (2006).
“On the use of the bootstrap for estimating functions with functional data”, with Manuel Febrero and Ricardo Fraiman. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 51, 1063-1074 (2006).
“Parametric versus nonparametric tolerance regions in detection problems”, with Amparo Baíllo. Computational Statistics, 21, 523-536 (2006).
“Testing multivariate uniformity: The distance-to-boundary method”, with José Ramón Berrendero and Francisco Vázquez-Grande. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 34, 693-707 (2006).
“Robust estimation and classification for functional data via projection-based depth notions”, with Manuel Febrero and Ricardo Fraiman. Computational Statistics, 22, 481-496 (2007).
“A nonparametric approach to the estimation of lengths and surface areas”, with Ricardo Fraiman and Alberto Rodríguez-Casal. The Annals of Statistics, 35, 1031-1051 (2007).
“Nuclear magnetic resonance-based metabolomics predicts exercise-induced ischemia in patients with suspected coronary artery disease”, with I. Barba, G. de León, E. Martín, S. Aguadé, J. Candell-Riera, J.A. Barrabés y D. García-Dorado. Magn. Reson. Med., 60(1), 27-32 (2008).
“Aspectos estad??sticos en problemas de análisis de imágenes y de clasificación”. Matematicalia, 4, 2 (electronic journal), (2008).
“On depth measures and dual statistics. A methodology for dealing with general data”, with Ricardo Fraiman. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 100, 753-766 (2009).
“Nonparametric estimation of boundary measures and related functionals: asymptotic results”, with I. Armendáriz and R. Fraiman. Advances in Applied Probability, 41, 311-322 (2009).
“Set estimation: Another bridge between statistics and geometry”. BEIO, 25, 71-85 (2009).
“On projection-based tests for directional and compositional data”, with Juan Cuesta-Albertos and Ricardo Fraiman. Statistics and Computing, 19, 367-380 (2009).
“Set estimation”, with R. Fraiman. In New Perspectives on Stochastic Geometry, W.S. Kendall and I. Molchanov, eds., pp. 374-397. Oxford University Press (2010).
“Classification methods with functional data”, with Amparo Baíllo and Ricardo Fraiman. In Oxford Handbook of Functional Data Analysis, pp-259-297. F. Ferraty and Y. Romain, eds. Oxford University Press (2011).
“Supervised classification for a family of Gaussian functional models”, with Amparo Baíllo and Juan Cuesta-Albertos. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 38, 480-498, (2011).
“A multivariate uniformity test for the case of unknown support”, with José R. Berrendero and Beatriz Pateiro-López. Statistics and Computing 22, 259-271 (2012).
“On statistical properties of sets fulfilling rolling-type conditions”, with Ricardo Fraiman and Beatriz Pateiro-López. Advances in Applied Probability, 44, 311-329 (2012).
“Testing uniformity for the case of a planar unknown support”, with José R. Berrendero and Beatriz Pateiro-López. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 40, 378-395 (2012).
“Towards a universally consistent estimator of the Minkowski content”, with Ricardo Fraiman, and László Györfi. ESAIM: Probability and Statistics, 17, 359-369 (2013).
“A partial overview of the theory of statistics with functional data”. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 147, 1-23 (2014).
“A geometrically motivated parametric model in manifold estimation”, with José R. Berrendero, Alejandro Cholaquidis and Ricardo Fraiman. Statistics 48, 983-1004 (2014).
“On Poincaré cone property”, with Alejandro Cholaquidis and Ricardo Fraiman. The Annals of Statistics, 42, 255-284 (2014).
“Different perspectives on Object Oriented Data Analysis”. Biometrical Journal 56, 754-757 (2014). This is a comment on the paper “An Overview of Object Oriented Data Analysis”” by J.S. Marron and A.M. Alonso.
“On the estimation of the medial axis and inner parallel body”, with Beatriz Pateiro-López and Pamela Llop. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 129, 171-185 (2014).
“The mRMR variable selection method: a comparative study for functional data”, with José R. Berrendero and José L. Torrecilla. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 86, 891-907 (2016).
“Variable Selection in Functional Data Classification: a Maxima-Hunting Proposal”, with José R. Berrendero and José L. Torrecilla. Statistica Sinica, 26, 619-638 (2016).
“Shape classification based on interpoint distance distributions”, with José R. Berrendero and Beatriz Pateiro-López. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 146, 237-247 (2016).
“High-fat diet induces metabolic changes and reduces oxidative stress in female mouse hearts”, with Ignasi Barba, Elisabet Miró-Casas, José L. Torrecilla, Eulàlia Pladevall, Sergi Tejedor, Rubén Sebastián-Pérez, Marisol Ruiz-Meana, José R. Berrendero, Antonio Cuevas, David García-Dorado. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 40, 187-193 (2017).
“On visual distances for spectrum-type functional data”, with Alejandro Cholaquidis and Ricardo Fraiman. Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 11, 5-24 (2017).
“Detection of low dimensionality and data denoising via set estimation techniques”, with Catherine Aaron and Alejandro Cholaquidis. Electronic Journal of Statistics 11, 4596-4628 (2017).
“Polynomial volume estimation and its applications”, with Beatriz Pateiro-López. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 196, 174-184 (2018).
“On the use of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces in functional classification”, with José R. Berrendero and José, L. Torrecilla. Journal of the American Statistical Association 113, 1210-1218 (2018). SEIO-BBVA Foundation Award 2022 to the Best Methodological Contribution in the Statistics Field (https://www.fbbva.es/noticias/premios-seio-fundacion-bbva-2022-estadistica-investigacion-operativa/)
“An RKHS model for variable selection in functional linear regression”, with José R. Berrendero and Beatriz Bueno-Larraz. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 170, 22-45 (2019).
“Directional differentiability for supremum-type functionals: statistical applications”, with Javier Cárcamo and Luis A. Rodríguez. Bernoulli 26, 2143-2175 (2020).
“On Mahalanobis distance in functional settings”, with José R. Berrendero and Beatriz Bueno-Larraz. Journal of Machine Learning Research 21, 1-33 (2020).
“Nonparametric detection for univariate and functional data”, with Ricardo Fraiman. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 209, 12-26 (2020).
“Set estimation under biconvexity restrictions”, with Alejandro Cholaquidis. ESAIM: Probability and Statistics, 24, 770-788 (2020).
“On functional logistic regression: some conceptual issues”, with José R. Berrendero and Beatriz Bueno-Larraz. Test, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11749-022-00836-9 (2023).
“A uniform kernel trick for high and infinite-dimensional two-sample problems”, with Javier Cárcamo and Luis A. Rodríguez, Journal of Multivariate Analysis Journal of Multivariate Analysis 202, 105317, (2024).
“On the functional regression model and its finite-dimensional approximations”, with J.R. Berrendero and A. Cholaquidis, Statistical Papers Papers 56, 5167-5201. (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00362-024-01567-9
“On the notion of polynomial reach: a statistical application”, with A. Cholaquidis and L. Moreno. Electronic Journal of Statistics 18(2). 3437-3460. (2024). DOI:10.1214/24-EJS2278.