PDE's: Italia vs España

Two seminars will be given every two weeks, one by an Italian and one by a Spanish speaker, at 15 - 15:45 and 16 - 16:45 hours (Rome/Madrid time).

Instructions: we will use Zoom to run the seminars.

  • To join, click on the link we will provide before the talks. You can do it 15 minutes in advance.

  • You will need a Zoom account and password. These can be obtained at www.zoom.us.

Mailing list: if you want to subscribe send an email to lbattaglia(at)mat(dot)uniroma3(dot)it. You will receive an announcement and the Zoom link the day before the talks.


  • Luca Battaglia (Università di Roma Tre).

  • María Medina (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid).

  • Angela Pistoia (Università La Sapienza di Roma).

Join Zoom Meeting: https://uniroma1.zoom.us/j/87961090612?pwd=clZHOUhNbFAvVDE2eWRuM3MxZE02dz09

Meeting ID: 879 6109 0612

Passcode: 139724