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Seminario de Algebra

Seminario de Álgebra Conmutativa, Geometría Algebraica y Geometría Aritmética

Lunes 13 de diciembre a las 11:30. Híbrido.  Módulo 17, aula 520 y Teams (enlace al final del mensaje)

Marina Garrote (Max Plank, Leipzig)

Title: Algebraic and semi-algebraic phylogenetic reconstruction

Abstract: To model evolution, one usually assumes that DNA sequences evolve according to a Markov process on a phylogenetic tree ruled by a model of nucleotide substitutions. This allows to define a joint distribution at the leaves of the trees and to obtain polynomial relationships among these joint probabilities. The study of these polynomials and of the algebraic varieties defined by them can be used to reconstruct phylogenetic trees.

However, not all points in these algebraic varieties have biological or probabilistic sense. In this talk, we will discuss the importance of studying the subset of these varieties that has biological sense and we will prove that, in some cases, considering this subset is fundamental for the phylogenetic reconstruction problem. Finally, we will present a new phylogenetic quartet reconstruction method which is based on the algebraic and semi-algebraic description of distributions that arise from the general Markov model on a quartet tree.
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