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Seminario T. Grupos UAM-UCM-UC3M-ICMAT

Seminario T. Grupos UAM-UCM-UC3M-ICMAT

25/2/20, 11:15, Aula Gris 2, ICMAT
Andrei Jaikin (UAM and ICMAT)

Title: On one instance of L"uck approximation in characteristic $p$ and a Baumslag problem

Abstract: We prove that the L"uck approximation corresponding to an embedding of a group  into a free pro-$p$ group holds in characteristic $p$. This allows us to present many new examples of
abstract  subgroups of    free pro-$p$ groups. As a consequence, we solve  a 50 years old problem raised by G. Baumslag: a free $mathbb Q$-group is residually torsion-free nilpotent.

Localización 25/2/20, 11:15, Aula Gris 2, ICMAT Andrei Jaikin (UAM and ICMAT)