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Seminario Teoría de Grupos ICMAT-UAM

Seminario Teoría de Grupos ICMAT-UAM

Miercoles 7/11/2018, 11:30, Aula 520, UAM

Ponente: Jim Howie (Heriot Watt University)

Title:  One-relator products of locally indicable groups

Abstract: A group is said to be locally indicable if each of its
non-trivial, finitely generated subgroups admits an epimorphism onto the
inifite cyclic group.  A one-relator product is the quotient of a free
product of groups by the normal closure of a single element (not
conjugate into one of thre free factors). Much of the rich theory of
one-relator groups can be generalised to one-relator products of locally
indicable groups.  In this talk I will survey some older results in this
area, present some more recent joint results with Hamish Short, and
discuss some open questions.

Localización  Miercoles 7/11/2018, 11:30, Aula 520, UAM