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Seminario Teoría de Números UAM-ICMAT
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Seminario Teoría de Números UAM-ICMAT


SPEAKER: Alex Torzewski (University of Warwick)

DATE: Thursday 10th May 2018 - 13:30 h

VENUE: Aula 420, Módulo 17, Departamento de Matemáticas, UAM (Campus de Cantoblanco, Madrid)



Given a Shimura variety S defined by a group G (e.g. a modular curve, in which case G=GL_2), there is a "canonical construction" which assigns to a representation of G variation of Hodge structures on the Shimura variety. Similarly, there is also a construction which gives an l-adic sheaf for each representation. It is conjectured that these should both be motivic in origin, i.e. for each representation of G, there should be a way to construct a motive over S whose cohomology coincides with that given by the previous constructions. We shall introduce all the concepts listed in the abstract and explain why such results are useful before giving a very brief outline of existing and current work in this direction.

Localización DATE: Thursday 10th May 2018 - 13:30 h VENUE: Aula 420, Módulo 17, Departamento de Matemáticas, UAM (Campus de Cantobla