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Seminario de Álgebra
Contacto  Ana Bravo

Seminario de Álgebra

Lunes 18 de diciembre de 2017 a las 11:00 en el aula 420 del módulo 17

Conferenciante: Eleonore Faber (University of Leeds)

Title: Endomorphism rings and rings of differential operators of finite global dimension

Abstract: In this talk we consider a normal toric algebra R over a field k of arbitrary characteristic. The module M of p^e-th roots of R, where p and e are positive integers, is then the direct sum of so-called conic modules. With a combinatorial method we construct certain complexes of conic modules over R and explain how these yield projective resolutions of simple modules over the endomorphism ring End_R(M). Thus we obtain a bound on the global dimension of End_R(M), which shows that this endomorphism ring is a so-called noncommutative resolution of singularities (NCR) of R (or Spec(R)). If the characteristic of k is p>0, then this fact allows us to bound the global dimension of the ring of differential operators D(R). This is joint work with Greg Muller and Karen E. Smith.

Localización Lunes 18 de diciembre de 2017 a las 11:00 en el aula 420 del módulo 17