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Seminario de análisis

Seminario de análisis

Prelectura de tesis doctoral

Ponente: Ismael Cano Mármol (UAM-ICMAT)

Título: Noncommutative analysis techniques in the geometry of Lp spaces and Calderón-Zygmund theory
FIn this thesis, we study several applications of noncommutative harmonic analysis. Firstly, we consider the generalization of an inequality on the Hamming cube given by Naor and Schechtman, which has deep consequences in the metric geometry of Lp spaces. In particular, we extend this result to the context of group von Neumann algebras and obtain some non-embeddability results related to noncommutative Lp spaces. On the other hand, we tackle the boundedness of Calderón-Zygmund operators on the Hardy space of matrix-valued functions, yielding a new result for operator-valued kernels.

This thesis has been written under the joint supervision of Javier Parcet (ICMAT) and Jose Conde-Alonso (UAM).

Hora y Lugar: Jueves 13 de Abril, 11:30-12:30, Aula 520, Módulo 17.