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Seminario de Teóría de Números Seminario L2-invariants

Seminario de Teóría de Números

Seminario L2-invariants

Jueves, 19 de Abril, Aula Naranja (ICMAT) 15:00

Ponente: Arnaud Brothier (University of Rome Tor Vergata)

Título: Jones representations of Thompson groups

Abstract: Thompson group F is the group of homeomorphisms of [0; 1] that are piecewise linear with slopes equal to a power of 2 and breakpoints a dyadic rational. While being one of the most studied discrete groups, it still remains allusive.

By investigating constructions of conformal field theories, Jones recently discovered a large class of unitary representations of Thompson group F and other related groups (such as Thompson groups T, V, etc.). Those representations are constructed via a very flexible category/functor method. Many examples are given by Jones planar algebra framework as well as certain couple of operators.

I will describe concrete examples of such representations and present some ongoing research.

This is a joint work with Jones.

Location  Jueves, 19 de Abril, Aula Naranja (ICMAT) 15:00